Wednesday 22 January 2014

jealous actress jailed for seven years for using her car 'as a weapon' to mow down her ex-boyfriend and his partner at 30mph

An aspiring actress has been jailed for seven years after she mounted a pavement and used her car 'as a weapon' to plough into her former lover and his partner.
Sonita Claire smashed into Kevin O'Neill - the father of her child - and Mary Jane Kimble at 30mph, hitting them from behind as they walked hand-in-hand on a busy Derby street.
The couple were thrown onto the roof of Claire's Ford Fiesta before falling to the road 40 yards from where they were struck.
Mr O'Neill, 38, suffered a broken neck fractured vertebrae in his neck and a broken collar bone, while 33-year-old Miss Kimble sustained multiple cuts to her head and face and a broken collar bone.
Both were knocked unconscious and left in pools of blood.
Nottingham Crown Court heard they have since made good recoveries from their injuries, but neither has any recollection of what happened.
Judge Michael Stokes QC, sentencing, told Claire: 'Heaven has no rage like love turned to hatred, nor hell a woman like a woman scorned.'
He said the 28-year-old, whose profile is still available on acting directory The Casting Website, that she had committed a 'wicked' offence, adding: 'You had no control ove
'This is a very unusual, if not bizarre, case. You were driven by a combination of jealousy and revenge.'

The judge said that Claire 'couldn't cope' with the fact her ex-partner 'preferred another woman', and that her actions had been brought on by 'obsession and jealousy'.
The court heard how Claire, kitchen worker Mr O'Neill, and Miss Kimble had been caught in a 'love triangle' which had left Claire 'bitter and hurt'.
David Allan, prosecuting, said Mr O'Neill and Miss Kimble were going out together in 2004 when he had a short 'fling' with Claire.

A year later he split from Miss Kimble and re-kindled his relationship with Claire - who gave birth to his son in 2006.
But their relationship broke down last year, and Mr O'Neill and Miss Kimble got back together.
Mr Allan said that in the days before the offence Claire had confronted her former lover and hit him with an umbrella. She also contacted Miss Kimble and threatened to run her over.
The hearing was told Claire followed through on her threat at 4.15pm October 6 last year. She targeted the couple as they strolled through Chester Green in Derby, using her car as a 'weapon'.
As she ploughed into Mr O'Neill and Miss Kimble, one witness described Claire as 'totally expressionless and straight-faced, as though she was doing nothing wrong'.
Mr Allan said several mothers with young children in pushchairs saw the horrific incident, after which Claire sped off. She handed herself in at a police station later that day.
Claire, of Derby, pleaded not guilty to attempted murder, which was accepted by the prosecution, but admitted two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
Stuart Newsam, defending, said Claire, who has no previous convictions, had been made 'vulnerable by emotional strain' and on the day of the attack had been 'deeply upset' because Mr O'Neill had cancelled an appointment to see their son.
Claire, who was also banned from driving for seven years, showed no emotion when she was sentenced.
After the case, Detective Constable Annie Vernon, of Derbys Police, said: 'This is the first case I've dealt with where the weapon used was a motor vehicle as opposed to a fist or knife. In my experience it's fairly rare.'

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