Wednesday 22 January 2014


“I was fasting for seven days when a man saw me and stopped me and said you are
going to be a preacher, you are going to have eight children but two will die in a motor
accident, you will go as far as building schools and you will cross all the continents of the
Two months before I lost my two children in an accident, God has spoken to
me. God had told me on that day, Uma I won’t answer your prayers. I want to test you and
know how you love me. As early as 5.00 a.m. that morning, armed robbers came to my
office and removed all my office equipment and God said I should forgive them. My driver
carrying my children and a cousin drove into a river. I attempted to bring the children out,
not knowing that my wife also jumped into the river behind me and water carried her,
threw her up six times. It was at the seventh time that somebody called my attention to
 I used one hand to swim and the other to hold her and brought her to shore. I
rescued the children later. They had died. because a child stays under water only for
two minutes. I put them in a car to pray for them, but an oncoming car from the opposite
direction drove into the car and smashed it. The bumper flew out, the bonnet flew out. I
stopped and I was pacing up and down, not knowing what to do next.
Just then, somebody ran to me, grabbed me and said my 50-sitter bus carrying my band had
caught fire. He was not sure how many people died in the accident. I was composed
because God had warned me. I didn't make those children. God gave them to me.
Our problem is greed to hold on to those things we have. Even pastors go about talking about
their churches; no pastor has a church. They all belong to God. No matter what you went
through last year, no matter what the enemy dished out to you in the old year, today offers
you a fresh start”.
Rev . Dr. Uma is founder and President of Uma Ukpai Evangelistic Association Inc.

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