Saturday 22 February 2014


Health experts will always say that regular physical exercise is very important for one's health as it can help to  do the following:
Control your weight
Lower your risk of some health concerns.
Strengthen your bones and muscles.
Improve your mental health and mood.
Increases your chances of living longer.

All these said, it is still very difficult to make the decision of fitting regular exercise into our daily schedule. Most times, we discover that we already have  enough physical activities in which normally result to stress and we think that we may  not require to squeeze in regular exercises in  our daily activities.

I was discussing  with a woman who told me she didn't need to exercise because her life was already a stressful one. She takes care of her home and kids and still goes to work. She sees that as enough physical activity and doesn't think she needs to add extra activities in the place of routine exercise.   Is she right?

Would you advice someone who already has a stressful life to add physical exercise to his/her daily routine?
Can stress take the place of exercise in our life?
Is there a thin line between stress and exercise?
Do you think exercise can help reduce stress?

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