Thursday 6 March 2014

British teenager accused of plotting to bomb School and Mosque

This disturbing image shows the bedroom of a schoolboy accused of plotting a 'Columbine-style' massacre at a nursery school.
It shows the flag of Nazi Germany hanging prominently over the bed of 18-year-old Michael Piggin, who is on trial over terror charges at the Old Bailey.
The fascist emblem hangs over a map of the world, surrounded by newspaper cuttings showing weapons of war and the leering face of Batman villain The Joker.
Piggin planned to bomb a school, a university and a mosque, the court heard. He also allegedly wrote a message to one of his friends claiming he hit his mother after fighting the urge to shoot pre-school children in Loughborough.
'After picking up my pistol I was walking past a nursery and felt the urge to shoot,' the 18-year-old said in December 2012.
'I nearly gave in but I fought it and I hit my mum. We had an argument and she said some real mean stuff and I just flipped.'

Piggin also wanted to shoot Muslims at a Mosque in the Leicestershire town, the jury heard.
In a text message he said: 'When you have got your new air pistol we will meet up and will both bring pistols and go for a bit of a shooting session down at the Mosque.'
'I'm sick of being the outcast when there are some scum that enjoy a better life than me.'
Piggin said he 'felt sorry' for Seung-Hui Cho who shot and killed 32 people in the Virgina Tech massacre in 2007.
The teenager planned the widespread attack when he was 17, compiling a ‘hit list’ of pupils and teachers he wanted to eliminate, the court heard.
He said: 'I am going to be a martyr and become famous so people will look up to me.'
The schoolboy is also alleged to have made videos of himself creating Molotov Cocktails out of wine bottles and throwing them against a wall.
Restrictions on reporting Piggin's name were lifted after he turned 18 in January.
In the first video, shot on February 16, 2012, the defendant tells the camera: ‘This is the URA’s second attempt at a petrol bomb.’
His friend, also covering his face with a balaclava, then prepares the homemade bomb before throwing it at a wall where it explodes into flames.
Jurors heard the bomb tests were filmed at the back of a leisure centre in Loughborough, which is also home to a creche, between February and April 2012.
Nine partially completed petrol bombs were found in Piggins’ bedroom together with a jerry can full of petrol, the court heard.
Prosecutor Max Hill QC said: ‘Some of the bombs were loaded with ball-bearings or other forms of shrapnel.
‘These items are clearly dangerous and explode. You will have to consider if they are merely play or something more dangerous.
‘Some or all of those clips are intended for some kind of audience.
Inspired by the infamous Columbine high school massacre, he compiled a list of six potential targets, including his former school in Loughborough, the town’s university, council offices, a mosque and cinema, it is alleged.
Piggin was arrested in February last year. Police found several notebooks and recordings detailing his alleged plans in his bedroom, as well as a variety of weapons, including IEDs, a crossbow and pyrotechnic fuse cords.
There was also a stab-proof vest, gas mask, blank firing pistols, three ball-bearing guns, a military belt and an illegal terror manual, Mujahideen Poisons Handbook.
Also found was a Che Guevara notebook decorated with a Nazi swastika and SS runes in which Piggin ranted about his sinister plans. He had written ‘EDL no surrender British and proud’ on its cover, the court heard.
He wrote rambling notes about the need for ‘Britain and Europe to rise up and fight’ against Islam and warned ‘when order fails, violence prevails’.
And in a chilling dictaphone message played to the court, Piggin spoke in an impassioned voice about the need ‘to hit back at the scum, the powerful’.
He said he hoped his ‘operation’ will ‘inspire the intelligent people to start some sort of revolution against the current system’.
The teenager, who at the time was living at home with his mother, adds: ‘People are living in a world of delusion. I’m ready to die for my cause.’
‘How the f*** could anyone treat a fellow person like people’s [sic] treated me. That’s a question you want to be asking, that’s what drives people to do this. Look at all the f****** things in the past.
'Columbine, Virginia Tech, numbers of others. All because of bullying and how people are treated.’
The Old Bailey heard that two of the teenager’s friends, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have pleaded guilty to possessing either petrol bombs or pipe bombs.
But Piggin, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, was set apart from his friends and driven by a paranoia of ‘Islamic invasion of Europe’.
Prosecutor Max Hill QC told the jury that the teenager’s plot and his haul of weaponry was not ‘child’s play’ but a deadly threat.
He said: ‘For an average young man in an average house in Loughborough or any town you care to name in England and Wales, you may think that is startling.
‘That is what this case is about.
‘The final item is a notebook containing information about the planning of attacks and study of explosive devices.
He said of the 1999 mass shooting: ‘That’s something that you’ll want to assess in this case given that this defendant, not in Colorado USA but in Loughborough England, was writing "the new Columbine" in his notebook.
Klebold and Harris, the mass killers in Columbine, were aged 17 and 19 at the time of those atrocities. What you have in this case is a 17-year-old.’
Piggin denies possessing items for terrorism and a terror manual, but admitted possession of petrol and pipe bombs and components of IEDs.
The trial continues.

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