Thursday 13 March 2014

Oscar Pistorius throws up in the dock as court is ACCIDENTALLY shown photos of Reeva Steenkamp after he shot and killed her

 Oscar Pistorius threw up in the dock today after horrific images of his girlfriend's blood-splattered body were accidentally shown in court.
Gasps filled the court when close-up pictures were displayed on a screen on two separate occasions while the operator was scrolling through trying to find other images.
They showed Reeva Steenkamp's skull, body and her bullet wounds after she was shot dead by the Paralympian at his home.
Pistorius began violently retching and sobbing at the sight of the model's corpse before being handed a green bucket which he vomited into repeatedly.
When he had composed himself, the athlete questioned why the images were being shown and turned off the computer screen in front of him to avoid seeing any more.
His sister Aimee, who was also crying, left her seat in the public gallery to comfort him in the dock.
Desi Myers, the mother of Reeva Steenkamp's room-mate Gina Myers had earlier left the court in tears when pictures of Pistorius's blood-covered bathroom were shown.
The court was then shown further graphic images of the blood stains found on the floors, walls, stairs and chairs in the athlete's house.

The images were described by Schoombie van Rensburg, a former police colonel who was one of
Mr Van Rensburg described how, on arriving at Pistorius's house, he saw Miss Steenkamp's body covered in towels and plastic bags that the daughter of the estate administrator said she had used, with assistance from Pistorius, to try to stop the bleeding.
A tearful Pistorius was pacing in the kitchen, van Rensburg said.
The policeman said he asked the athlete what had happened, but he didn't answer. He said he asked Pistorius to stay in one area of the kitchen, which he did.
Police investigator Hilton Botha also arrived at the home.
'We then followed the trail of blood up the stairs,' Mr van Rensburg said as chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel led him slowly through the sequence of events that night.
In one photograph displayed on TV monitors in the court, spots of blood are seen right next to some of the Olympic and multiple Paralympic champion's trophies.
Earlier, a photograph of Pistorius's blood-stained prosthetic legs was used by his chief defense lawyer in a bid to show that the athlete was wearing them, as he says, when he broke down the toilet door with a cricket bat.
The image, showing the prosthetic limbs with white socks and stained with Miss Steenkamp's blood up to the knee, was displayed by lawyer Barry Roux on a TV monitor at Pistorius's murder trial.
The chief defence lawyer at Oscar Pistorius's murder trial today highlighted alleged missteps by police and questioned their treatment of key evidence during the investigation.
Lawyer Barry Roux grilled a police forensics expert for a second day, challenging his analysis of a bullet-marked toilet door that was removed from Pistorius's bathroom after he shot Reeva Steenkamp.
In an aggressive start to his cross-examination, Mr Roux questioned whether Colonel Johannes Vermeulen even had the right qualifications to examine marks on the door that offer crucial evidence to what happened the moment the model was killed.
He also forced Col Vermeulen to admit that police may have contaminated the crime scene during their investigation.
Mr Roux asked what happened to some fragments from the door that went missing after police investigators took possession of it.
Col Vermeulen said he asked about the missing splinters, but repeatedly said he 'couldn't remember' which colleague he spoke to.
The forensics analyst also conceded that footprints that appeared to be from police boots were seen in evidence photos, but later rubbed off.
Mr Roux argued they could have been made by Pistorius's prosthetic legs - which could have backed up a crucial argument by the sprinter that he was wearing them when he smashed down the door.
Col Vermeulen earlier argued Pistorius would have been on his stumps both when he fired the shots that killed Miss Steenkamp and when he broke down the door.
The lawyer also noted that Col Vermeulen had not read Pistorius's version of events on the night of the killing until after he had completed his forensic study of the door and was therefore leaning toward the prosecution's version of what happened.

Pistorius has said he shot Miss Steenkamp by mistake through the door, fearing there was a dangerous intruder in the house. The prosecution says he intentionally killed her after an argument.
Yesterday, Col Vermeulen argued that Pistorius was on his stumps at the time he broke down the door with the cricket bat, contradicting the Paralympian's assertion that he was wearing his prosthetic legs.
The issue is critical to the case as it tests the athlete's assertions about exactly what happened on the night he killed Miss Steenkamp in his bathroom on Valentine's Day last year.
 Pistorius says he fearfully approached the bathroom on his stumps and shot Miss Steenkamp by mistake while believing she was an intruder.
According to his account, he then put on his prostheses and tried to kick down the locked toilet door before hitting it with the bat after realising what he had done.
However, Col Vermeulen said the bat was used to hit the door from a low position and knelt and swung Pistorius's cricket bat to demonstrate his point.
He also believed Pistorius was on his stumps when he fired through the toilet door, based on the angle of the bullet marks in the door, which was on display in the courtroom alongside a recreation of the cubicle.
He told the court: 'The marks on the door are actually consistent with him not having his legs on and I suspect they must be similar to the height that he was when he fired the shots.'
And in a dramatic climbdown, lead prosecutor Gerrie Nel also said that it was no longer part of the state's case that Pistorius was wearing his prosthetics at the time.
That mistaken claim by prosecutors in the early part of the investigation was used by them to argue there was premeditation in the killing.
They asserted that by taking the time to put on his legs before going to the bathroom, Pistorius showed premeditation before killing the 29-year-old model.
The prosecution now says Pistorius first hit the door with a bat in an effort to get to Miss Steenkamp, then shot through the door.
But in another crucial endorsement of the defence's case, Col Vermeulen testified that the athlete broke down the door only after he fired his weapon.
'I would say the door was hit after the shots,' he told the court.
Col Vermeulen earlier demonstrated that height measurements showed that Pistorius was not wearing his prostheses at the time.
'It's quite low down on the door,' he testified about one of the marks he said were made by the bat. 
He said it was 'not the normal position that I would expect from a mark from a cricket bat'.
He said marks on the door were consistent with Pistorius 'being in a natural position without his prostheses'.
Defence lawyer Barry Roux countered that Pistorius hit the door with a 'bent back' and that the low marks were consistent with such a body position.
Mr Vermeulen also said a steel plate in the main bathroom in Pistorius's home had been damaged by being hit with a 'hard' object, or after the object fell against it.
The steel plate was new evidence. A photo of the damaged plate was shown.
Prosecutors say Pistorius intentionally shot 29-year-old Steenkamp after a fight.
Those prosecutors used Mr Vermeulen to show what they say are more inconsistencies in Pistorius's version of events by erecting the door in court and, behind it, an exact replica of the cubicle in his house. There was also a replica toilet.
The bullet-marked door also had what appeared to be white tags to indicate the bullet holes.
Pistorius shot at MIss Steenkamp four times through the door, hitting her in the hip, arm and head. One shot missed, the court has heard.
Led by questions from prosecutor Gerrie Nel, Mr Vermeulen removed his blazer and walked down from the witness stand and over to the door to demonstrate to the judge how he believes the door was hit in the pre-dawn hours of Valentine's Day last year.
He said he was particularly interested in two specific marks on the door that he concluded were made by the bat.
With the use of court photos and by kneeling down in court, Mr Vermeulen showed the low position that the person could have been in when striking the door with the bat.
The trial continues.


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