Monday, 20 January 2014

When is it too young to study abroad?

Obviously, the crave to study abroad has been misunderstood to be a get rich quick process. Take a trip to our international airport, (incase you have not already done that) you will be shocked at the rate at which our youths travel abroad all in the name of seeking higher education.
Studying abroad wouldn't make any difference because if you can kill an elephant at home, you will do the same anywhere in the world.
Different people have different reasons. Wrong reasons can affect your international experience and this can mar your prospect of overseas education.
Some say it is for the rich and i often ask why do you think studying abroad is for the rich alone. Stop limiting yourself and make use of what you have.
When is it too young to study abroad?
I was inside one of the new generation banks in Lagos when this particular family walked in. They came in to inquire on how to open a domiciliary account for their daughter who intended to school abroad.

I was surprised to see that the girl was too tender to be allowed outside Nigeria on her own. This piqued my interest and I started eavesdropping to pick their conversation.
After some explanations from the customer service officer, the little girl was given a bank form to complete.
It was in the process of filling in the form, she asked the customer officer “What is the meaning of LGA” Holy Jesus! I pinched myself.
With the look on the customer officer face, obviously she too was shocked but she had no choice rather she gave the meaning to the little girl. At her age, she doesn’t even know her LGA or home town.
Now I was forced to ask myself, at what age is too young for a child to be sent abroad to study? Should we just send out children to study abroad because we can foot the bill?
For me I think it’s better to allow our children to be accustomed to our ways of life at the early stage before exposing them to strange cultures

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