Tuesday 4 March 2014

Funny: A UK Bank issues instructions to its foreign staff on how to use British toilet

This Oyibo self! so na only them sabi how to use toilet?

Lloyds Bank has put up instructions telling foreign staff how to use the loo, with details such as 'sit on the toilet - do not stand on it', and 'please flush it with your hand and not your foot'.
With the help of diagrams, workers are shown how to open the door using their hand, and are requested not to leave toilet roll on the door handle.
The instructions, put up in Lloyds Bank's Old Broad Street office in central London, give full instructions of British etiquette in the lavatory, including 'The sinks are for 

washing your hands only - no using hand towels or toilet paper as a plug'.
Other tips including toilet-users to throw used loo roll down the loo, rather than put it in a bin, but telling them to do the opposite with plastic cups.
The instructions are there for workers from around the world with different toilet habits.  For example in south America, it is common to put used toilet roll into a bin beside the loo because few houses have sophisticated drains that can cope with loo roll.
And in continental Europe, squatting over a 'hole-in-the-ground' toilet has been the norm until very recently.

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