Sunday 6 July 2014

Incredible story of mother who miscarried, given an abortion pill and booked in to have a final surgical procedure to clear her uterus only to find out she was carrying twins and the other baby was STILL ALIVE

The term medical miracle has never been more apt, as baby Megan Hui remarkably survived both a miscarriage and two abortion pills. 
Michelle Hui, 31 from County Kildare, Ireland, was devastated in July last year when doctors confirmed she had lost her unborn child at six weeks.
But a pre-operation scan taken just ten days afterwards revealed a tiny heartbeat, showing that Michelle had actually been carrying twins - and one of them was still alive.

Two days after Michelle received the tragic news that her baby had died, she was given an abortion pill and booked in to have a final surgical procedure to clear her uterus. 
'The miscarriage and abortion were absolutely horrific,' says Michelle, a bank-worker.

'The ten days between the miscarriage and going back to the hospital were just a blur. To find out I had to go in for another procedure, I was devastated.
'But then I saw this little heartbeat. I thought it couldn't be right. After all we had been through I didn't want to even get my hopes up.
'The doctor went out and came back in with a more senior doctor and he did the scan again and he said; "You're not going to believe it, we've got a heartbeat."'
Michelle described her reaction as, 'the best feeling ever.'

She continued: 'Megan is fine now. She's healthy. She is just a big healthy pudding of a baby.
'The doctors said it was a blessing. They have never heard of anything like it. Someone had been looking over us.'
Michelle was walking to the train station near her home in County Kildare when she started to suffer a miscarriage on 19 July 19 last year - a day before her first scan
Doctors told her to go straight to hospital where she claims two different doctors at Rotunda Hospital in Dublin performed a total of five scans and concluded she was no longer pregnant and her baby had been lost.
She was given two internal abortion pills and sent home with husband Ross, 33, a salesman, after an overnight stay.
She added: 'After I lost the baby I went out with friends and had a bottle and a half of wine. I was devastated.

'I drank myself silly and I never ever drink that much. I'm not a drinker.'

Michelle was told to take a pregnancy test ten days later because while medics said there was no chance she was still pregnant, it would reveal if harmful clots had remained.
In fact, her test was positive and she went back to hospital for a dilation and curettage (D&C) - a traumatic surgical procedure to remove the contents of the uterus. 
It was here, doctors spotted a heartbeat on a scan.
'I couldn't believe it,' says Michelle. 'But as happy as I was I was angry they had missed her on the scans. 
'They said that with all the blood and clots it must have created shadows so they couldn't see her.
'They said my cervix must have closed back up and that I was blessed. In all his 25 years, he said he has never come across or heard of anything like this.' 
Little Megan - which means 'strong fighter' - was born on February 25, a little sister to Mya, four, and Noah, two. 
She weighed just under 6lbs and is now thriving at 18 weeks old.
'She's our little fighter,' added Michelle. 'My little miracle.

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