Friday 24 January 2014

Comedian, Saka Loses Father

Bereaved Nollywood actor and comedian, Hafiz Oyetoro, popularly known as Saka, has expressed sadness that his father, Pa Dauda Oyetoro,  who died Saturday, 18 January at age 98, was very old and couldn’t enjoy with him the good life he has been experiencing in the last three years.
In a chat with P.M.NEWS Wednesday, Saka said he is, however, happy that his father witnessed the great transformation in his life but is pained that he couldn’t do much for him due to old age.
“I wish my dad was a little younger to enjoy his fruit of labour. I am happy that he witnessed the transformation in my life and much as I tried to make him share in the good life but he was just too old to do anything,” the MTN Ambassador said.
Saka said he was in Abuja for a production when he received a call that his father had passed on. He said he had to leave the location and rush down to his hometown where the deceased was certified dead by doctors as a result of old age.

Pa Dauda reportedly died on Saturday morning and was laid to rest according to Islamic rites on Sunday at his country home in Koso, Iseyin, Oyo State.
“I am grateful to God that he wasn’t sick and he never gave us any problem that warranted us taking him to hospital every now and then. In fact, two days before his death, we spoke at length and he didn’t sound sickly,” he told P.M.NEWS.
The comic star said he returned to Lagos Tuesday but will be back to Iseyin during the weekend to meet with the elders of his family on the final funeral rites.
According to him, the deceased had told his children that he wanted a very quite burial whenever he died and that is what they will give him during the 40th day prayers in February in Iseyin.
Saka is the deceased’ surviving eldest son. Pa Dauda had 11 children but is survived by eight including Saka.
“I was supposed to be number three but lost my eldest brother thus leaving me behind my senior sister. This position thus thrusts upon me the responsibility of being the eldest male now. But I still have my uncles at home to help in taking decisions on how the whole arrangement for the final burial programme will go,” he said.

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