Sunday 2 February 2014

Miracles Still Happen!

She had fallen behind in her bills after giving up work to travel to Ohio and be with her mother, who had suffered a heart attack
When a nice family-of-three left their check turned upside down Muhammad expected they had left a bad tip or a note about poor service
They had left a tip of over $1000 and a brief note explaining why culled from Mail Online

Khadijah Muhammad turned up to work at Cheddar's cafe-restaurant in Knoxville, Tennessee on Wednesday knowing that she needed a miracle.
As she left her house there was a disconnection notice on the door that her electricity was about to be shut off - one of many bills that amounted this month after the 26-year-old wife was forced to give up her shifts and rush to Ohio to be with her mom, who had suffered a heart attack.
'All I wanted was to see my mother one more time,' a teary Muhammad told WBIR.
'With God's help, I managed to make it up there driving in the middle of the big snow storm that hit earlier this month.

'I was able to see her and she pulled through, thankfully.'
But when she returned home, her financial woes awaited.
'It started to sink in how much work I missed and that I was not going to be able to pay all of my bills,' she said.

'I've been trying to pick up any extra shifts that I can.
'I was thinking I'm really going to need a miracle to pay my bills this month.'
 Her shift started normally and, being mid-week, business was fairly slow.
Among the customers were a husband and a wife and their small child.
'They really did not stand out,' Muhammad recalled.
'They were just nice folks. I remember talking to them and having a friendly conversation like you would with a neighbor.
'The father ordered a country steak. The mother and son split a fish taco. They split it.
'They were really humble people.'
The bill was $29.30 after tax, but the receipt was turned upside down when Muhammad went to clear the table, which is usually a bad sign.
'Normally, as a server, when a receipt is turned upside down it means you did not get a good tip or any tip,' she said.

'Or people will leave a nasty note about how you messed something up with their service. I remember thinking, ''I wonder what I did wrong''.
However the receipt turned Muhammad's life upside down.
'I just remember seeing a comma after the one and knew it wasn't $10. And I was like, ''Oh, my God!'' And I just lost my balance and I was like, 'Does this say a thousand dollars?' I could not believe it.'
The tip was for $1,075 - representing a tithe the family would have normally given to their church.
While the couple wish to stay anonymous, they told WBIR they had recently moved to Knoxville from Ohio and had not decided where to send their tithe money.
They had recently received a work bonus and, after being impressed with Muhammad's service, decided their donation this month should go to her.
The note they left Muhammad partially explained the decision, saying: 'Jesus Blessed us and we were led to give it to you. God Bless!'
What makes the story all the more surprising is that the family were completely unaware of Muhammad's circumstances and just how much they have helped her.
'I just want to thank them,' she said.
'Thank them so much, because I'm humbled. I'm grateful. I do believe that God led you to me at this time in my life
'I hope and pray that someday I'm able to do this for somebody. And at the first opportunity I will do it.'

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