Tuesday 22 July 2014

Florida town bans sagging trousers (they are gradually coming back to their senses)

disappointed to learn that Ocala, Florida, has became the latest American city to ban sagging trousers.
The City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to prohibit anyone wearing trousers two inches below their natural waist, making Ocala the fourth place - along with towns in New Jersey, Louisiana and Tennessee – to introduce the rule.
Council woman Mary Rich proposed the rule in 2009, but her colleagues were unwilling to second the motion and feared the ordinance would lead to profiling.
This time, however, her law got a unanimous vote.

‘I just think it’s disgraceful to show your underwear,’ she told WFTV 9.
‘We try to be a nice, clean city. I think it’ll help clean it up some.’
But residents echoed the concerns that were voiced in 2009 and said young black men and teenagers would bear the brunt of the new law.
‘It just makes no sense whatsoever,’ said one resident.
‘It’s just another way to lock people up and put them in jail.’
The law will apply on any city-owned or leased property, including streets, parks, sport grounds, recreational areas and public transportation.

Those breaking the sagging trousers law will receive a warning for their first offence, followed by a $500 fine or even jail time if they reoffend.

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